by John Fela | Aug 12, 2020 | Holidays, Parenting
I would like to start this piece by wishing everyone a very Happy New Year. I would like to continue this piece by saying that I am no fan of new year’s resolutions, or lists of resolutions, or actually most lists, at least in blog format (my wife’s to do lists are of...
by John Fela | Aug 12, 2020 | Holidays, Hope and Faith, Medical, Parenting
I have always loved the month of April, and for lots of good reasons actually. First off, it is my birthday month, which is always fun, the beginning of spring (or fake spring as we Chicagoans like to say), and the month in which two very special holidays usually take...
by John Fela | Aug 12, 2020 | School
This is a bittersweet day in my home today, as my family will be taking a final trip to a place that has become very comfortable and familiar to us. Well, I should probably correct myself when I say it is comfortable, as while it has been mostly that, some days were a...
by John Fela | Aug 12, 2020 | Hope and Faith, Parenting
How big is your faith today? It seems an odd question but I think a fair one to ask, especially since I believe we all have days of stronger and weaker faith in our lives. Maybe try this one, what kind of faith do you have right now, is it Sustaining Faith, or Mustard...
by John Fela | Aug 10, 2020 | Parenting, School
I write this on my son’s third day of fifth grade, having just packed his lunch and helped to get him dressed, with my wife taking him out to the bus just a couple hours ago. ‘Tis the season of school transitions. I sit in front of my computer, focusing with one...