Made for Community

Made for Community

Seek. Find. Engage.

There is nothing more valuable to me on this journey beyond my faith than the community I have around me.
It’s a constant reassurance to me, and a reminder that
you cannot walk this path alone.
You must learn to be able to lean into others when you struggle most, and always remember to give back to others likewise.
As was done for you,
go and do for another, joyfully.

Click a title below to jump to the category.

For Couples

For better. For worse. 
‘Til death do us part.

For Fathers

Married. Single.
Just Dads.

For Mothers

Podcast, Devotionals, and Community for the Special-Needs Mom


Encouragement. Engagement.

Facebook Community Groups

You are not alone.

Regional Community

Discover regional resources

My Marriage Matters

Joe and Cindi share the practical lessons they’ve learned over the decades they’ve been married and have cared for their son with disabilities who lives at home with them. They want to see marriages be enjoyable, vibrant, and thriving, helping couples learn how to serve each other and their family member with a disability with excellence and Christ-like love. Learn how to build a thriving (not just surviving) marriage that will go the distance!

Joe is a dentist and Cindi is a speaker and author. Together they authored Unexpected Journey: When Special Needs Change Our Course and are in process for their next book Love Allways: Embracing the Special Needs Journey Together. The Ferrinis live in Cleveland, Ohio with one child at home and two married daughters, two sons-in-law, and grandchildren living nearby.

My Marriage Matters

Joe and Cindi share the practical lessons they’ve learned over the decades they’ve been married and have cared for their son with disabilities who lives at home with them. They want to see marriages be enjoyable, vibrant, and thriving, helping couples learn how to serve each other and their family member with a disability with excellence and Christ-like love. Learn how to build a thriving (not just surviving) marriage that will go the distance!

Joe is a dentist and Cindi is a speaker and author. Together they authored Unexpected Journey: When Special Needs Change Our Course and are in process for their next book Love Allways: Embracing the Special Needs Journey Together. The Ferrinis live in Cleveland, Ohio with one child at home and two married daughters, two sons-in-law, and grandchildren living nearby.

Special Father's Network

21st Century Dads was created with the mission of: “Improving the lives of children by raising awareness and resources for greater father involvement, and inspiring dads to be present; physically, emotionally, financially and spiritually.” Under the guidance of David Hirsch, President of 21CD, the Special Fathers Network was created. The SFN is a dad to dad mentoring program for fathers raising a child with special needs. Since its inception in 2015, there have been multiple awareness events, a conference, and even a podcast has launched all to showcase the value and true need for every father in the lives of their children, especially children with disability. I am proud to be a part of this mentorship program and would love to talk with you more about the Special Father’s Network.

Special Father's Network

21st Century Dads was created with the mission of: “Improving the lives of children by raising awareness and resources for greater father involvement, and inspiring dads to be present; physically, emotionally, financially and spiritually.” Under the guidance of David Hirsch, President of 21CD, the Special Fathers Network was created. The SFN is a dad to dad mentoring program for fathers raising a child with special needs. Since its inception in 2015, there have been multiple awareness events, a conference, and even a podcast has launched all to showcase the value and true need for every father in the lives of their children, especially children with disability. I am proud to be a part of this mentorship program and would love to talk with you more about the Special Father’s Network.

Self Care for the Special Needs Mom

My friend Sandra Peoples is one of the leading voices in the special-needs community. She is the author of three books: Speechless: Finding God’s Grace in My Son’s Autism, Held: Learning to Live in God’s Grip, and Unexpected Blessings: The Joys and Possibilities of Life in a Special-Needs Family.  Sandra has a blog on her website, an incredible Facebook community that focuses on the much-needed self care for special needs moms, and a podcast called Self Care and Soul Care for the Special Needs Mom. Consider supporting her work by becoming a Patreon member!  

Self Care for the Special Needs Mom

My friend Sandra Peoples is one of the leading voices in the special-needs community. She is the author of three books: Speechless: Finding God’s Grace in My Son’s Autism, Held: Learning to Live in God’s Grip, and Unexpected Blessings: The Joys and Possibilities of Life in a Special-Needs Family.  Sandra has a blog on her website, an incredible Facebook community that focuses on the much-needed self care for special needs moms, and a podcast called Self Care and Soul Care for the Special Needs Mom. Consider supporting her work by becoming a Patreon member!  

Hope Anew

My friends Jonathan and Sarah McGuire have seen and are filling such a great need within the special needs community. They created an incredible resource for parents of children with disabilities called Hope Anew. It is an online community that goes deeper than any other social media platform. They have online and regional workshops hosted by prominent authors and leaders in the disability field. They have daily posts to check in with the community. They have theme days like Feel Good Friday, chat functions so people can connect personally, and so much more. They are doing amazing things in this organization, and I am so proud to be a part of it! They also have a Facebook page, as well as a podcast available on their website as well as any podcasting platform. Special needs families often struggle with isolation and loneliness. Hope Anew is there to welcome families with open arms. I hope you’ll join me in the Hope Anew community. If you feel alone in your journey, this is the place for you!

Hope Anew

My friends Jonathan and Sarah McGuire have seen and are filling such a great need within the special needs community. They created an incredible resource for parents of children with disabilities called Hope Anew. It is an online community that goes deeper than any other social media platform. They have online and regional workshops hosted by prominent authors and leaders in the disability field. They have daily posts to check in with the community. They have theme days like Feel Good Friday, chat functions so people can connect personally, and so much more. They are doing amazing things in this organization, and I am so proud to be a part of it! They also have a Facebook page, as well as a podcast available on their website as well as any podcasting platform. Special needs families often struggle with isolation and loneliness. Hope Anew is there to welcome families with open arms. I hope you’ll join me in the Hope Anew community. If you feel alone in your journey, this is the place for you!

Key Ministry

Founded by Dr. Steve Grcevich, Key Ministry promotes meaningful connection between churches and families of kids with disabilities for the purpose of making disciples of Jesus Christ.

Since 2002, Key Ministry has provided knowledge, innovation, and experience to the worldwide church as it ministers to and with families of kids with disabilities. While expanding their service to churches, they seek to help families impacted by disability to become connected with local churches where parents and children can worship and grow in faith alongside other Christ-followers.

Key for Families seeks to provide encouragement and support for families of kids with disabilities through several types of online gatherings; large group communities (housed on Facebook and organized around a specific condition, disability, or area of interest), special interest study groups organized around a topical study (Bible study, book study or shared media, housed on Facebook but including opportunities for real time interaction via videoconferencing) and more intimate small groups.

Key Ministry

Founded by Dr. Steve Grcevich, Key Ministry promotes meaningful connection between churches and families of kids with disabilities for the purpose of making disciples of Jesus Christ.

Since 2002, Key Ministry has provided knowledge, innovation, and experience to the worldwide church as it ministers to and with families of kids with disabilities. While expanding their service to churches, they seek to help families impacted by disability to become connected with local churches where parents and children can worship and grow in faith alongside other Christ-followers.

Key for Families seeks to provide encouragement and support for families of kids with disabilities through several types of online gatherings; large group communities (housed on Facebook and organized around a specific condition, disability, or area of interest), special interest study groups organized around a topical study (Bible study, book study or shared media, housed on Facebook but including opportunities for real time interaction via videoconferencing) and more intimate small groups.

Walk Right In Ministries

My friends Larry and Lisa Jamieson started Walk Right In Ministries, which equips special-needs families and caregivers of all generations to connect with others and grow in faith along the way. Their team provides biblically-based teaching as well as live and virtual consulting. They want to help families walk in peace, purpose, strong relationships, resilience and faith — one step at a time — through life’s unexpected adventures. Walk Right In features a website, a Facebook page, as well as a Facebook Group in addition to their new community group, Real Talk Multiply.

They recently began Real Talk Multiply, a private, online Christ-pointing community experience for special needs parents, grandparents and caregivers as well as siblings over 16 years old who have a brother or sister with special needs. Come ready to explore God’s Word together, ask your questions, receive prayer, find encouragement, share experiences and build hope through a growing personal faith in the living God. RTM also has a private Facebook group you can join as well after contacting Lisa at

Walk Right In Ministries

My friends Larry and Lisa Jamieson started Walk Right In Ministries, which equips special-needs families and caregivers of all generations to connect with others and grow in faith along the way. Their team provides biblically-based teaching as well as live and virtual consulting. They want to help families walk in peace, purpose, strong relationships, resilience and faith — one step at a time — through life’s unexpected adventures. Walk Right In features a website, a Facebook page, as well as a Facebook Group in addition to their new community group, Real Talk Multiply.

They recently began Real Talk Multiply, a private, online Christ-pointing community experience for special needs parents, grandparents and caregivers as well as siblings over 16 years old who have a brother or sister with special needs. Come ready to explore God’s Word together, ask your questions, receive prayer, find encouragement, share experiences and build hope through a growing personal faith in the living God. RTM also has a private Facebook group you can join as well after contacting Lisa at

SOAR Special Needs

Executive Director and Founder Stephen “Doc” Hunsley founded SOAR Special Needs which assists and empower families with special needs to SOAR in their local and faith communities with key resources, impactful activities, and thriving environments so that they can live beautiful lives. SOAR is committed to a future of providing an environment for families with special needs where their key needs are met and every life is affirmed with love and honor as Jesus intended in Luke 14:7-24.

SOAR offers respite to families with special needs on a bi-monthly basis, a summer day camp, an annual Wonderfully Made Special Needs Conference, and church/organization consulting for special needs. All programs are are open to anyone in the community with need.

SOAR Special Needs

Executive Director and Founder Stephen “Doc” Hunsley founded SOAR Special Needs which assists and empower families with special needs to SOAR in their local and faith communities with key resources, impactful activities, and thriving environments so that they can live beautiful lives. SOAR is committed to a future of providing an environment for families with special needs where their key needs are met and every life is affirmed with love and honor as Jesus intended in Luke 14:7-24.

SOAR offers respite to families with special needs on a bi-monthly basis, a summer day camp, an annual Wonderfully Made Special Needs Conference, and church/organization consulting for special needs. All programs are are open to anyone in the community with need.

The Nora Project

Co-founded by an educator and the parents of a child with disabilities, The Nora Project aims to normalize difference, demystify disability, and promote meaningful connections between students and their peers with disabilities. Our signature program is a yearlong empathy education project aligned to the Common Core standards for Reading, Writing, and Speaking and Listening, which uses inclusion as a tool to teach that everybody has a story. And it’s working! The Nora Project’s mission is to teach empathy by sparking friendships between students and their peers with disabilities.

The Nora Project

Co-founded by an educator and the parents of a child with disabilities, The Nora Project aims to normalize difference, demystify disability, and promote meaningful connections between students and their peers with disabilities. Our signature program is a yearlong empathy education project aligned to the Common Core standards for Reading, Writing, and Speaking and Listening, which uses inclusion as a tool to teach that everybody has a story. And it’s working! The Nora Project’s mission is to teach empathy by sparking friendships between students and their peers with disabilities.

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